Then it Dawned on Me
Jiu Jitsu, particularly BJJ./MMA, is quite in depth because of the numeorus steps required to complete techniques. If any of these steps are missing, it's no different to leaving a part out of a motor – it will probably not work at all. We’ve all experienced it.
I am a student in a sense and I am no different to anybody else learning. I have to be shown things, over and over, and practice to get them right. Quite often, getting it right the first time doesn’t always work out for me so don't despair if the same goes if you're a student. Usually, it takes several persons to show me, in their own little way, before I get a good grasp and complete understanding of the techniques. As an Instructor I don't settle for anything less than 100%. That's the difference between an experienced martial artist like myself and a brand new student in BJJ.
It's much more exciting to conquer the ones I'm having difficulty with rather the ones I get right the first time. Recently, I was shown a particular technique (advanced armbar) which was taught to me by a visiting BJJ master from Brazil. I really enjoyed the private seminar and got a lot of out of it but something did not feel right just yet. A workout with Shihan Richard Norton, in Sydney recently, almost hit a home run. I said to him, "Something you just said now, I now realise what I have to do." Then the other evening, I attended a junior BJJ class before the senior session; with everybody wondering what I was doing there. A purple belt, taking the class, was explaining that technique in his particular way and then it dawned on me. It was something he said which solved the final piece of the puzzle. Technique now 99% good (no such thing as 100%).
Usually, I like to talk quietly, through the moves, with my training partner. By uttering words I'm more conscious about what I'm doing. This is the same thing I do as an Instructor when I explain techniques to the students; this really helps me understand better. It's an absolutely amazing process! It's not a bad thing if students talk to each other in that sense but Instructors need to ensure the conversation does not divert from the subject.
People have different ways of capturing information and it may before it dawns on them which is why it's good to have a different Instructor in front of the class every so often.
On another subject, I really like Mr John Will's last blog, GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. What a 'blog job'! Basically, it's based on years of friendship earning credit so that when a problem arises, there's enough credit to let the problem slide. I take things a step further, I give some people opportunities to apply for personal loans.