Take the Challenge

Martial arts is a pursuit in life teaching many things.  There is also the sporting aspect, as in football, however, everybody in the martial arts is treated equally unlike in ball games ie if you don’t compete or don't do well for the team, then nobody wants to know you.  The Instructor is always there for you, not just during the season. 

People, particularly kids, need to be roughed up a little to experience and be aware of the various elements of the environment.  As parents, we tend to be too overprotective and shield our kids from these elements.  However, nearly all parents want to know if their child can swim in the deep end of the pool.  Martial arts kind of pepare kids for this sort of thing (including adults).

The worse thing anybody can do is to give up the martial arts because it takes a special kind of person to take up that challenge in the first place, but it takes an even more special person to not give it up.  What do we think of someone giving up a uni or TAFE course?  It’s a sign of failure regardless of the excuse.  I have been told by many students, if it wasn’t for their Instructor and parents giving them enouragement, they would not be where they are today. 

My incentive for doing the martial arts is about doing the things I don't think I can do.  What I also really enjoy about the martial arts is the people who have stuck it out with me for a very long time.  Hope to see many more.