Seminar & Grading – Sunshine Coast
Another great 3 day weekend on the Sunshine Coast at our BKJ Martial Arts schools re gradings and seminars. Many thanks to the Head Instructor, Darren Grieve, who picked up me and the Black Belt twins from the Airport and hosted us for the weekend. He does a tremendous job of going out of his way to make sure we have our creature comforts. Also, in attendance, were a number of other Black Belts including the original Head Instructor, Richard Payne, with Dean, Lee and Pat who do a great job running one of the schools.
Friday was a BJJ seminar, followed by Reality Based Defence which were very well received. All thanks to spending many hours with Richard Norton on the Reality stuff which I am now confident enough to deliver it to our students. The BJJ seminar was also terrific going through techniques I have learnt from Richard Norton and John Will over the years. Then it was time for a roll; Darren is just a hard wrestler! It must be something to do with working one out, most of the time, as a police officer.
The next morning we put on an Anti-bullying workshop (based on BJJ) for kids which everyone absolutely loved. After that was the grading which went smoothly giving me the opportunity to demonstrate my skills to the students.
Back home now, tommorrow work, then off to martial arts again.