Music to my Ears

Put a Martial Arts Instructor in front of an orchestra and there's your Meistro.  An  Instructor and a Meistro compare quite similar; both viewed as gracious characters who have control and instruct musicians/students.  They also have the power to change and control the mood and pace in the room.  The musicians would be lost without a Meistro and the martial arts students would not do too well either without an Instructor. 

It's difficult to give your undivided attention to a speech on low volume and single tone of voice.  It's as exciting as a 'B' grade black and white movie.  You can't expect too much from the students with an Instructor using a monotone voice and the volume turned down.  For the students to be on full alert the Instructor has to be in the right mood.  I find sharp counts and a varying voice gets this mood and pace going.  Using the hands like a Meistro will also help.  That's what you call being a 'hands on' Instructor.  

If you ever get a chance to see a Meistro in action have a look at the way he or she controls the orchestra.  Music can vary from loud, soft, quick, slow, explosive to dead silent, all from the wave of the Meistro's hands.  If students can move gracefully like dancers do to music that's what I would call 'music to my ears'.