‘Man Made’ Natural Disaster

 Man Made Natural Disaster – no such thing up until now! The fires down in Victoria didn’t quite make front headlines when I did my last blog. Like some Instructors I’d like to say something because we should all be acknowledging one of the country’s worst disasters. Whilst watching the news the heat was great for people on the beach and for others it was pretty much the end of the world. Those most affected are the people who have lost their loved ones, friends and homes. This also greatly affects the people who know or knew the victims. However, disasters have a habit of bringing the best out of people such as togetherness and heroism which are often non-existent today. Disasters remind us all this is what humans are all about.

Tragedy affects everyone in various ways and at different levels of intensity. The intensity is proportional to the number of people killed/injured, the distance to the tragedy and horrific nature of the disaster. If 300 people were suddenly to perish as a result of some viral outbreak in a hospital the level of the community’s emotional response would no way compare anywhere near as bad to this disaster or to that of 9/11. It’s ironic this is called a natural disaster when there is evidence to suggest the fires were instigated by a few misfits. You can do your part as a human by donating what you can; it’s not going to break the bank. But please be aware of charity scams on the internet; one bogus website was found to be linked to the Red Cross!