That is something my wife taught me many years ago when my children were growing up whilst doing the martial arts with me.  She said, ‘what better way to keep everybody together in the family and share the same interest’.  She also believes kids should not be readily afforded free choices when parents know they are onto a good thing (martial arts).  Kids sometimes don’t know what they want but parents do so parents need to be parents.Image result for Martial Arts family

What better way to train together as a family.  Nothing worse than a parent having to say, ‘on Monday 5pm I have to drop my daughter to dancing, at 6pm I drop my son off to tennis, on Tuesday my son has soccer training’ etc, etc.  Family becomes disjointed.

When kids become bored that is a normal reaction because that’s how some kids are.  They will even get bored watching TV given enough time.  So is that a good enough reason to pull them out of the martial arts?

So this is what you do as a parent.  Be strict and be consistent with focusing children’s attention.  The kids will be happy when they grow up because you have kept them in a discipline and are now reaping the rewards of continuing a lifelong interest and keep healthy and fit for the rest of their lives.

The martial arts is the best way to spend time with your kids.  A family that trains together stays together.