(B)logging off for 2009

Yet, another 12 months have passed and I often look back and think, have we done enough?  I don’t like to waste time because, once gone, you can never recover it.  Just think of the wonderful hours of hard training and time put into something you like.  Clearly, the results are shown from what you have learnt and how you look and feel.

This is the final blog for this year.  This is the time of year you can put aside your differences and enjoy the company of your family and friends.  Most of us will not see each other for almost 4 weeks but it is very comforting to know that we can get together for another year and do what we like the most. 

On behalf of all the Budoshinkai Karate Instructors I thank you for your support and wish you all a Merry Xmas and a very Happy New Year.  I also wish the same to my very good friends and Martial Artists if I don't catch up with them before then. Over and out!