Accidents do Happen

Another mishap and little setback; this time my motorcycle fell on my foot fracturing a couple of bones whilst wheeling it out of my garage.  The irony is I clock up almost a thousand kilometres per month and something simple like this to happen to you is hard to accept.  Victor came to the rescue (it’s great to have friends like  him) and took to me hospital to have it put in plaster.  You take it for granted when you see somebody on crutches.  That is hard work!  You’ve got to pre-plan everything, something as simple as looking for a hair brush or making a cup of coffee in the morning.  Then the hard part, how to use the stairs, YouTube didn’t help; the advantages of living in a double storey house!

When people demonstrate a martial art skill, you may not necessarily want to learn it but it’s usually difficult to appreciate the amount of time put in to learn that skill, not unless you live through the whole process of understanding what it takes to achieve that.  I am living the process right now.

A handicap, such as this, makes you more conscious because you can’t afford to be absentminded which could mean a lot of hard work if you forget where you leave your wallet or keys.  This is no different to a handicap in the martial arts.  In other words you have to slow down things in your mind to make sure every step of the way in your pre-plan is going to get you where you want to be.  This is the right mindset of a BJJ student. 

It will mean a few weeks off training but I can still get to my classes.  I'd like to lead by example and hopefully make students be a little more conscious when they feel the urge to take the night off. 

All goes well, the plaster comes off next week which will be replaced with a removeable brace.  Anybody is quite welcome to put their foot in plaster for tomorrow’s seminar.  John Will promises there is something he can show me on the mat tomorrow morning which doesn’t require the use of my legs (?).