ACA Interview

I saw that interview of Judy Green, alongside her husband Richard Norton, which was televised on ACA tonight.  Congrautlations to both, it was an excellent interview and it took real guts for Judy to get on air like that and discuss her very unfortunate accident involving a very serious head injury whilst shooting a TV documentary over 25 years ago.  Very few people would have understood how it felt at the time.  I am one of those people who would know because I had a similar injury in 1996 which almost claimed my life.  After five operations I live to tell the tale!  Also, the rehab after that was a monumetal challenge.  A lot of credit must go to her husband, Richard, who has supported and helped her over the many years.  The same goes for my wife who stood by me all the way. 

I remember John Will introducing me to Richard Norton at one of their seminars in Sydney  Judy Green & Richard Norton on ACAbefore 2000.  John told Richard about my injury and he was quite pleased to speak with me since his wife had a similar injury.  About 8 years later, after meeting up with Richard again, I finally got to meet Judy where we had the opportunity to talk about our experiences.  I now refer to her as my sister!  Richard said something interesting when in Sydney recently, 'a normal person has five or six goals in life but a sick person has one goal in life and that is to get well'.  I can vouch for that!  Richard and I have a great friendship for many reasons but I guess Judy's ordeal and my ordeal might have to be one of them.

The moral of the story: Don't take anything for granted, enjoy what you have and do the best you can for yourself and others.

Another topic – feeling confident tonight, I picked up the weights and did a whole lot of other exercises with a lingering pain to remind me that I had sustained an injury recently.  It is now two hours later and I feel fine. 

When I was suffering from my back injury I, too, only had one goal at the time.