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That is something my wife taught me many years ago when my children were growing up whilst doing the martial arts with me.  She said, ‘what better way to keep everybody together in the family and share the same interest’.  She also believes kids should not be readily afforded free choices when parents know they […]


How often do students switch off when the instructor shows a technique they have seen many times before?  It’s because the student has a mental blue print of what is about to be shown and some of them have a tendency to switch off.   The end result being no improvement or being worse off. When […]


There are many things you need to do to be an effective martial artist.  If you are a karate athlete you better know a little about boxing.  If you are a boxer you better know a little about wrestling and so on.  Welcome to the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or Mixed up Martial […]


Everybody can do the martial arts but very few can be a martial artist. Being a martial artist requires dedication, positive attitude, inquisitive mind and willingness to help others.  There are so many other positive sides to being in the martial arts but sometimes we overlook these because we may get railroaded with distractions that […]


When instructors hear ‘I NEED A BREAK’ from martial arts students, what does that really mean? Instructors accept students will leave from time to time for a variety of reasons but ‘I NEED A BREAK’ coming from long time students is a little hard to fathom for any instructor.  Kids don’t have a mortgage or second job […]

Where would you be if you weren’t in the Martial Arts?

I have been giving some thought lately that one of the important jobs as Instructors is to train people to live a healthy and prosperous life.  Starting them off young makes it easier but we can also help the late starters who need their lives to change.  Nobody can deny the martial arts can build […]

2016 – 1st Grading

WPH Saturday 19/3/16 Kids Karate – 11am Karate Seniors – 12.15pm BKJ ROSELANDS Monday 14/3/16 Kids Karate: 5.10pm Muay Thai Kickboxing: 7.15pm Tue 15/3/16 Karate Seniors: 6.15pm NB: No classes on Easter Saturday 25/3/16

Putting Up With It

I cannot remember how long ago I last blogged.  I was experiencing problems with my website only to be told it was time to update to a new platform. Three months later we now have a new website and I can start blogging again.  Let the blogging begin: There will be times we might sustain […]

2015 4th GRADING

WPH Saturday 29/11/15 Kids Karate – 11am Karate Seniors – 12.15pm BKJ ROSELANDS Monday 31/11/15 Kids Karate: 5.10pm Muay Thai Kickboxing: 7.15pm Tue 1/12/15 Karate Seniors: 6pm